Well, I reckon if you’re thinkin’ about cheek piercings, you’re probably wondering about them fancy little barbells, huh? Well, let me tell ya, these cheek piercings, also called dimple piercings, are all the rage nowadays. People sure do love them, and it ain’t hard to see why. The way they sit on the face, just there on the side, makes a person look all cute and sassy, like they’ve been blessed with a natural dimple or somethin’. But it ain’t just for show, no ma’am, there’s more to ’em than meets the eye.

Now, first things first, let me tell ya what a cheek piercing actually is. It’s a little hole that gets made right through the skin on your cheek, kinda like how folks get a lip or eyebrow piercing. And when it’s done right, it looks real nice, I tell ya. But don’t go thinkin’ it’s just any ol’ hole; no, ma’am, this is a spot that needs a bit of care and attention. That’s why they use barbells most of the time, ’cause they stay put and let the skin heal around it without causing too much trouble.
What’s a barbell, you ask? Well, it’s that little metal piece of jewelry that goes through the hole in your skin. It’s shaped like a straight line, with a ball or gem at each end, so it don’t fall out. Some folks like the look of them big ol’ barbells, while others go for a more subtle look with a smaller one. Either way, it gives you that nice, shiny spot on your face that catches the eye.
Now, the piercin’ itself, well, it don’t hurt all that much. I mean, it ain’t no walk in the park, but it sure ain’t like stickin’ a needle through your ear or nothin’. The good thing about cheek piercings is that there ain’t no cartilage in your cheek. That means it won’t hurt as much as if you were gettin’ your nose or ear pierced. So, if you’re worried about pain, you might just be in luck with this one.
But don’t get too comfortable! After the piercing, your cheek might swell up a bit, like when you get a good ol’ toothache. And that’s when you gotta keep an eye on it. Swelling ain’t nothin’ to be scared of, but it sure can make things uncomfortable for a little while. You gotta be patient, like you would with any other body change, and let it heal properly. If you don’t, well, you might end up with a mess on your hands. And nobody wants that!
As for the size of the jewelry, well, the piercer usually sticks to a 12 to 16 gauge range. That’s big enough so there’s room for the cheek to swell up and heal without causing any problems. Now, some folks might want to use smaller jewelry, but I wouldn’t recommend it unless you really know what you’re doin’. If you use too small a barbell, the cheek might grow over the back of it, and then you got yourself a problem!
Speaking of jewelry, you might hear folks talkin’ about flat-back labrets too. Them are nice and all, but for most people, a regular barbell is the way to go. It just works better for cheek piercings. I’ve seen some folks get it done with those little flat-backed studs, but I’m tellin’ ya, a barbell works like a charm!
Oh, and here’s a little tidbit for ya. Some people say cheek piercings are just like dimples. Well, I reckon that ain’t too far off the mark. Some folks, if they ain’t born with dimples, they sure like to get ’em pierced so they can have that look. And let me tell ya, they look real cute, just like a natural dimple, but with a little bit of sparkle, thanks to them fancy gems or balls that go on the ends of the barbells.
If you’re wantin’ to get a cheek piercing, you might want to start with somethin’ simple like a micro barbell. It’s a small one, not too noticeable, but still gives you that nice little sparkle on your face. A lot of folks go for that subtle look, especially if they’re not wantin’ to stand out too much.
Now, I know what you might be thinkin’: “What if I want to take the jewelry out?” Well, don’t go yankin’ it out too soon! You gotta make sure the piercing is healed up real good before you mess with it. That means no pullin’ or twistin’ it out just ’cause you feel like it. Let it heal up proper-like, and when the time’s right, you can switch out the jewelry for somethin’ new. Just don’t rush it, and everything should be just fine!
So, there you have it, sugar. Cheek piercings, with them cute little barbells, are a way to show off a bit of style, add some flair, and even get yourself a little dimple-like look if you’re into that. Just remember, it’s all about patience and takin’ care of that new hole in your face. If you do it right, you’ll have a nice, shiny barbell sittin’ pretty on your cheek for everyone to see. And trust me, you’ll love it!
Tags:[cheek piercings, dimple piercings, barbell jewelry, cheek piercing jewelry, piercing care, body piercings, facial piercings, micro barbells, flat-back labrets, body modifications]