Now, let me tell ya about this here “stability ball stir the pot” thing. It ain’t as complicated as it sounds, but it’s sure a good way to get them muscles working, especially your core. Now, what I mean by “core” is all them muscles that hold ya up straight—like your lower back, belly, and the deep muscles around your pelvis. You might not think much about ‘em, but they’re mighty important for keepin’ you balanced, movin’ around, and, most importantly, for standin’ up straight like a person should.

Now, this “stir the pot” exercise, that’s what I’m talkin’ about. It’s like a fancy way of doin’ a plank. But instead of just holdin’ still, you’re movin’ your arms around in a circle, like you’re stirrin’ a big ol’ pot of stew. You do this while your forearms are on a big round stability ball, kinda like a big rubber ball you sit on in school. It’s like you’re planking but with a twist—literally.
How to Do It:
- First thing, get yourself on your knees, and put that stability ball right in front of you.
- Put your forearms on the ball, makin’ sure your elbows are bent just right. You don’t wanna be too stiff, but you don’t wanna be too loose either.
- Next, you drop your hips down, makin’ a nice straight line from your head all the way down to your knees. Kinda like a board, but with a little bend in the middle where your belly goes.
- Now here’s the tricky part—you start movin’ your arms in little circles, stirrin’ that invisible pot. You’ll do a couple of circles one way, then switch and do it the other way. Don’t rush now, take your time.
- Try to keep your body as still as possible while you move your arms. That’s the key. You don’t want to be wobblin’ around too much or else you won’t be workin’ the muscles right.
- Do about 6 to 8 circles in each direction, and if you’re feelin’ strong, do a couple of sets, two or three is usually enough for most folks.
Now, let me tell ya, this “stir the pot” exercise ain’t just somethin’ to do when you got nothin’ better to do. It’s real good for strengthenin’ them muscles that hold ya together. It’s a mighty fine way to get your core stronger, and that helps you with balance and movin’ around better. Especially for folks like me who ain’t as spry as we used to be, it helps to keep ya from wobblin’ like a leaf in the wind.
Why Is This Exercise So Good?
Well, like I said before, this here exercise is all about that core strength. It’s real important ‘cause it affects just about everything you do. You need a strong core to pick up stuff without hurtin’ your back, to stand up tall, and to walk around without shufflin’ like you got a stick up your back. Stirrin’ the pot helps you work those muscles without havin’ to do a bunch of complicated moves or fancy equipment. Just you and that ball.

And it ain’t just for young folks, either. This exercise is real good for older folks too. It’s low-impact, which means it won’t hurt your joints, but it still gives them muscles a good workin’. As we get older, our balance gets a bit wobbly, but somethin’ like this helps steady you up, so you don’t trip over nothin’ and fall down. Nobody wants that.
Tips for Doin’ It Right:
- Start slow, especially if you’re new to the exercise. Don’t rush into it thinkin’ you gotta do it all at once.
- Make sure you’re in a safe space. You don’t want the ball rollin’ out from under ya and you endin’ up flat on your back.
- Keep your tummy tight while you do the exercise. That’s how you work them deep core muscles the best.
- If the ball feels too wobbly for ya at first, try doin’ the exercise next to a wall or somethin’ sturdy so you can keep your balance.
So there you have it, that’s the lowdown on stirrin’ the pot with a stability ball. It ain’t too hard once you get the hang of it, and it’s a great way to get stronger in places you might not even know you need. All you gotta do is be patient and keep at it, and before long, you’ll feel stronger, steadier, and more like your old self again. You can start slow and build up as you get used to it. Don’t overdo it, just do what you can, and you’ll be fine.
Tags:[stability ball, stir the pot, core exercises, core strength, balance, fitness, exercise, Swiss ball, core workout, stir the pot plank]