Oh, let me tell ya, if you’re thinkin’ about jumpin’ into wakeboardin’ but don’t wanna freeze your bones out there, you gotta get yourself a wetsuit! Now, what’s a wakeboard wetsuit for, you’re askin’? Well, it’s a suit ya wear so ya don’t end up shiverin’ like a wet chicken when you hit that cold water.

Now, wakeboard wetsuits ain’t all the same, no siree! You got yer full wetsuits, thems the ones coverin’ ya from neck to ankles, and then there’s shorties, that just cover ya till a bit above the knees. Folks choose ’em dependin’ on how cold the water is and how much movin’ they plan to do. So if ya gonna be out there in chilly waters, better grab a full wetsuit. But if it’s a bit warmer, or ya just wanna keep movin’ easy, the shorty might be more your thing.
Most folks prefer these spring wetsuits, ya know, springys they call ‘em, cause they cover ya enough to keep ya warm but not too tight that ya feel like a wrapped-up fish! A good springy suit’ll keep your core warm so ya don’t feel like icicles are growin’ on ya, but it also lets yer arms and legs move around easy. That’s why it’s such a popular choice for wakeboardin’ and all, just the right mix of warmth and flexibility, I tell ya.
So why’s this wetsuit so darn important? Well, the main job it’s doin’ is helpin’ keep your body heat in when ya take a dip in that water. I mean, sure, it’s supposed to be fun out there, but if ya start losin’ all yer heat, that fun won’t last too long, will it? No sir! A proper wetsuit keeps that warm feelin’ close to ya, which is real good ‘specially if you’re out there for a while.
Types of Wetsuits for Wakeboardin’
- Full Wetsuit: This one’s like a big ol’ blanket coverin’ ya neck to ankles. If you’re in chilly water or it’s a colder season, this is the suit that’ll keep ya from freezin’ up! It’ll be a bit snug, but oh boy, does it keep ya warm!
- Shorty Wetsuit: Just like its name, it’s shorter, only coverin’ till above the knees or elbows. If the sun’s out and the water’s not too cold, this is the way to go. Keeps ya warm but lets ya feel the breeze too.
- Spring Wetsuit (Springy): This one’s real handy for all kinds of weather, ya know, when it’s a little cool or just right. Covers ya core but lets ya arms and legs move real nice.
So, what’re these wakeboard wetsuits made of, you’re wonderin’? Well, they’re made with somethin’ called neoprene. Fancy name, I know, but it’s just a stretchy rubber-like material that hugs your skin tight but keeps the water out, so you stay warm and don’t feel the chill as much. Some folks even look for these wetsuits with fancy linings inside – makes ‘em feel all cozy and warm, like sittin’ by a nice fire.
And let’s not forget, the thickness of the wetsuit matters too! If you’re lookin’ to wakeboard in real cold waters, you’ll need a thicker wetsuit, maybe around 4-5mm thickness. But if it’s just a cool day, a thinner suit will do ya fine.

Wetsuits also come in designs that help ya move around real easy. For instance, you got these zipper types – there’s the back zip, which is easy to pull up, but sometimes folks prefer the chest zip cause it’s better at keepin’ water out. Some even like these zipperless types – they’re tricky to get on but once you’re in, they’re real snug and comfy!
So, you go on and find ya the right wetsuit for wakeboardin’, one that fits ya snug, keeps ya warm, and lets ya do all them jumps and twists without gettin’ all stiff. And believe me, you’ll thank that wetsuit when ya get back to shore not shiverin’!
Tags: [wakeboard wetsuit, spring wetsuit, shorty wetsuit, full wetsuit, wakeboarding gear]